Adopting from an Animal Shelter + How to Help - The February Fox
Eleven years ago, I was quickly moving boxes out of my college dorm room and into my new apartment on a street called Hertel. It was the first time I’d be living off campus and I had no idea what to expect. My roommate was from the city and would be spending the break at home, moving in when the school year resumed. I’d never lived in a place of my own before and, to be completely honest, I was freaked out! It seemed so cold walking into an empty apartment with no one to make noise but myself. I was in need of a partner in crime to spend my time with — one to ease my mind when I’d hear the older building creak and to keep my feet warm when the harsh Buffalo winters hit. I had been telling my mom for weeks that I wanted to adopt a kitten and she immediately tried to talk me out of it. She knew it was a big responsibility for a 19-year-old college student to take on and that I might struggle to give a living being a good life. Even though I got my first cat in 4th […]
Sarabeth McElhaney