Checking Off the First Item on My Summer Bucket List (Video!) - The February Fox
The February Fox is celebrating 3 years as a blog next month, but did you know I’ve been blogging for over a decade on a variety of platforms? When I first moved to California 8 years ago, I kept a blog that included a monthly bucket list of 5 places to see, things to do, or experiences to discover to help me get to know my new city of San Diego. Now that I’m back in Buffalo and re-experiencing my great city after a major resurgence, I’m going to be doing the very same thing! Life looks a bit different these days with an active toddler, so my monthly lists will now be seasonal — so get ready for some timely bucket list items that you can follow along with on your own too! The February Fox’s Summertime Bucket List Cruise the Niagara River Roast Marshmallows Visit the Drive-in Movies Bake a Peach Pie Road Trip! Surprise! I’ve already managed to cross off number one from my list! Tyler and I chartered a gorgeous classic wooden boat from Classic Cruises on the Niagara River this past Flag Day, bringing a yummy picnic aboard to watch the sun set. Fittingly, the […]
Sarabeth McElhaney