If the (Baby) Shoe Fits + Freshly Picked Giveaway! - The February Fox
I have a pretty definitive list of items that I think are worth the investment versus those that I’ll pay pennies for. If we’re being honest, no matter how hard I try I will probably never be able to tell the difference between a fine wine and Two-Buck Chuck, so my wine usually costs me a couple dollars 😉 At one point I figured baby shoes fell into the “cheaper the better” category because babies grow quickly right? Horrible idea. Fox will not keep shoes on his feet most of the time, and when we figure out how to get them to stay put he whines about it. Furthermore, the latest installment of discount shoes fell apart after 1.5 uses. Those cheap shoes add up after multiple replacements. We have found one pair that stays put and wears like a second skin, I’m guessing you’ve heard of the brand: Freshly Picked! Fox has worn his FP in 5 countries and multiple states, from Stonehenge to Disneyland! He doesn’t try to pull these off because they don’t bother his feet, and they’ve stood the test of time. This kid gets around — he’s a runner. Good news: I’ve partnered with Freshly Picked […]
Sarabeth McElhaney