New Year's Resolution + Protein-Infused Yogurt Covered Pretzels Recipe - The February Fox
Truth be told, I’ve never made a resolution for New Year’s before. I’m your textbook Virgo: meticulous, analytical, productive. I’ve always been on top of my goals and the deadlines I set for myself are achieved with ease. Then came parenthood. So my sweet little Fox threw a bit of a wrench into my spokes and guidelines I’ve set for myself have fallen to the wayside while feeding, cuddling, bathing, and playing with my little one. But now it’s time to set some standards that I must hit, and the first step will be a healthier me. February 7th, 2016 marks Fox’s 1st birthday which officially gives my “oh it’s just baby weight” excuse a big kick in the rear. I am officially making this my New Year’s resolution. Here are a few items I’ve brainstormed to get myself in tiptop shape this coming year. Take More Walks Something as simple as parking further away from the store or something as big as walking a few miles to and from the store can really help me to feel more energized. I’m one of those people who gains encouragement from results, so a teeny drop in weight or a small boost of […]
Sarabeth McElhaney