Why You Should Give Audiobooks a Shot + My Current Recommendations - The February Fox
You know that article that’s being passed around where Jimmy Kimmel asks people on the streets of Los Angeles to name a book? They could have named anything: a childhood favorite, one they did a report on in college, or what’s currently on their nightstand. People were stumped. It seems to me as if a huge problem nowadays is that people can’t find time to read. Between school and work obligations, running around with kids, maintaining relationships, and getting that perfect slice of “veg out” whether it comes in the form of mindlessly hiking or binge watching your favorite show, it’s hard to take a minute to pick up a book. When I finally gave audiobooks a shot, my eyes were opened to a few reasons why they’re my perfect match. Multitasking is a Breeze I listen to audiobooks when I’m having my morning coffee, taking a shower, driving to pick up my son from school, cooking dinner, cleaning the house… the list goes on. In fact, it actually makes me more productive. I get bored easy, so simple tasks like picking up the toys in my son’s room can feel painful to me. Put on an audiobook and I’m […]
Sarabeth McElhaney