Family Featured Parenting

Motherhood: It’s All Worth It

May 5, 2016

As mothers we often sacrifice large parts of ourselves to better our children – our sleep levels, clean home, free time, even (what seems like) sanity.

With Fox at the 15 month mark I started to feel a little bit overwhelmed with his newfound love for running and getting into everything. Between moments of picking up his scattered toys and favorite Crunchies, I sat on my bed cross-legged and put my head forward into the covers until my sweet little boy came up beside me, pet my head twice and then, with the best of intentions, lifted my face to his by my 3-day unwashed top knot, nose-to-nose. He studied me for a moment, letting out a spirited “haha!” and scrambled away.

Even though Fox likely thought I was playing hide-and-seek with him, the love I felt when our eyes met felt like the very first day I laid eyes on him. It reminded me of that first night in the hospital when I couldn’t sleep because I just wanted to stare at his perfect little face. I crawled out of bed to get him from his bassinet, laid him on the bed, stroked his cheeks, and when I touched his nose he squeaked like a little mouse.

That is why I have finally settled on a clear answer to the question I often get, “What is your favorite part of being a mom?” It’s simply the level of authentic love my baby shows for me.

Fox doesn’t understand when I’m emotional, feeling down, stressed, or overworked, so it makes it all the sweeter that he can make my day by loving up on me without actively trying to cheer me up. Moments like those make me want to be a better mom to my little man that deserves the world, for he is smart, passionate, and loving. It’s all worth it.

What is your favorite part of being a mom? Let me know in the comments below!



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  • Reply Dominique May 5, 2016 at 10:22 pm

    This was beautiful! I agree wholeheartedly. That’s probably the best party of being a kid, the innocence in everything. When I get mad at my youngest and scold him he cracks up! Clearly I am good at being serious, but that’s the best part, not having to stay mad because his giggles make me giggle. I love reading your posts Sarabeth, I can feel how much you love your little Fox! xo
    Dominique recently posted…Are You Giving Advice or Mom Shaming?My Profile

    • Reply Sarabeth McElhaney May 6, 2016 at 11:33 pm

      You are seriously the kindest person, sweet friend! I appreciate your everyday support so very much. Fox does the same for me – laughs hysterically when he’s in trouble. Sometimes it’s so hard not to laugh back! xoxo
      Sarabeth McElhaney recently posted…I Deserve a Drink, DammitMy Profile

  • Reply Jone Martin March 26, 2024 at 3:17 am

    I agree with you, a mother sacrifices herself for their children. they always want their kids safe from everything things that hurts them.

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