A New Major Milestone - The February Fox
Tyler and I joke with each other that every time we take Fox out of the house for several hours he reaches a new milestone when we come back home. New words, crawling, etc. – it always happens after we get him out of the house. It’s like he gets inspired and blooms right before our eyes. We had some errands to run yesterday – Ikea and Target – which aren’t even errands in my book. It’s more like going to Disneyland with a soy chai latte from Starbucks and some irresistible Swedish meatballs. Fox had a handful of meatballs (not his major milestone, although it could be since Ikea’s cafeteria is also a big deal to me) and then we were off to explore! He flirted his way through every aisle, flopped on the beds, and fought me tooth and nail to crawl on the floor in the children’s section. My parents got him the table and chairs and kitchen, so we picked those up and these amazing place mats that are the best finishing touch for his Super Bowl-themed birthday party. If anyone is throwing a #SuperBowl party, these place mats I found at @IKEAUSA yesterday look like […]
Sarabeth McElhaney