Finding the Right Nursing Bra at the Care Connection - The February Fox
I’ve made it no secret that nursing my first child didn’t work out. One of the major obstacles I faced was that the professionals that were there to guide me made me feel judged and inadequate. There’s very few things I’ve experienced that were as scary as knowing I was responsible for a fragile little life, so this shook me to my core and I moved onto formula almost immediately believing my body wouldn’t let me breastfeed. It wasn’t until having my second baby that I realized all the things I could have done to troubleshoot with Fox to make it work. It’s my belief that if I would have had more support after Fox was born that breastfeeding would have been an option. Prior to the birth of my second child I made sure to heavily arm myself with facts and contingency plans. Charlie had no issues latching from the start, but my nipples cracked and bled causing pain every time I nursed. Charlie’s pediatrician had suggested I take a trip to the Care Connection in Amherst to pick up nursing cups for my cracked nipples. She mentioned that she’s a customer of theirs and raved about what a […]
Sarabeth McElhaney