Valentine's Day Gift Idea: An Obvious Choice - The February Fox
One of the things I love most about Tyler is that he’s easy to please. He’s not a complainer, he’s happy in any situation you drop him into, and his positivity meter is off the charts. Because he’s so low maintenance, it’s really hard to find gifts for him since he doesn’t ask for much, but I still want to make him feel special. When holidays roll around I groan about finding him a gift most of the time because he doesn’t have anything on his wish list. For Valentine’s Day I thought about gifting him staples like cologne (he got that for his birthday), a watch (our anniversary), sports equipment (Christmas), or power tools (he just got a set for himself), and when I thought about underwear I wrote it off at first glance. There is underwear absolutely everywhere in our house. Closets, bathroom floor, laundry bins, on top of the washer, bedroom floor, every suitcase I open up to pack — and he’s always buying more. The more I thought about it, I wondered if I could combat fire with fire — or in this case, underwear with underwear — and upgrade his cheaply made, uncomfortable skivvies for some high quality ones […]
Sarabeth McElhaney