
Citrus Lane August 2015 Review

August 23, 2015

Citrus Lane always has a way of understanding my child that I just can’t predict.

Flipping through photos of Fox from day one, you’ll see periods where he’s become obsessed with certain items, and for some reason 90% of them are from his little subscription box!

I have to be honest though: in the early days of my Citrus Lane subscription I would eyeball the contents and write off a few of the items thinking Fox won’t like them. Those are usually the items he likes the most – ha! I’ve learned to trust them since then.

These are a few of his favorite Citrus Lane items thus far.

Fox’s Picks

Now for the Citrus Lane August 2015 review. Fox was very excited for the unboxing!



One of my favorite things about Citrus Lane is the email that hits just before they ship items. They actually give you the option of choosing one of the items for the box out of a small selection! This time I picked the Batman bib/cape.


My little guy isn’t too messy yet (even though he can eat like a full-grown man) but, nonetheless, the bib did its job well! I love the fact that it has a little pocket in front for any crumbs or dribbles.

The next item made me squeal when I pulled it out. It’s a growth chart. A fox-themed growth chart. Obviously anything Fox-themed gets an A+ from me and the babe. Use code CLAUG15 for 15% off at petitcollage.com through Sept. 15, 2015.


Next up was a brand we love around here called Green Toys. The little rattle above on Fox’s favorites is the same brand. This time we got a tug boat that floats and pours for the bathtub. We’re so very excited to get some use out of this one! Fun fact: it’s made of recycled milk containers!


Also included in the box were a trial-size sunscreen from Babyganics (I’m pretty obsessed with their foaming hand sanitizer as well – I keep them in every room, car, bag/diaper bag, and office) and a 40% subscriber discount to Gathered Table meal plans which I’m undecided if I’ll try. Right now I’m using Gobble for actual meal boxes and I’m very happy with it, but in the event I find time to go full-on grocery shopping any time soon (I wish!), I’ll utilize this great deal.


All in all, I really loved every item in the box this round. Citrus Lane tends to stick within the same circles of companies, and they just so happen to be some of my favorites! Check them out below.

Shop the Box

Oh, and Citrus Lane has given me a 40% off coupon for anyone who signs up for their first box here. Enjoy!

XO, Sarabeth

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1 Comment

  • Reply Kevin Martin November 22, 2023 at 2:18 am

    August 2015 was a great month for citrus Lane subscribers. Consumers were sent a package of items tailored to their child’s age and needs.

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