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Gifts of Lasting Change

December 6, 2015

Last week Tyler and I allowed Fox to open his very first Christmas present. Although we were excited to see how he would tear through the wrapping paper, we ultimately made the decision to fork over the goods when Fox seemed bored with his toys and we just needed a minute to decompress. You just do what you have to do sometimes, right?

While Fox was wailing away at the musical instrument he had uncovered, I began the task of crossing family members and friends off of our Christmas list one-by-one. There are always those people that get progressively more difficult to purchase for as they seem to have everything plus all of the ties, socks, and perfume you have gifted them previous years. So I shifted my focus over to a greater cause that I knew would make everyone happy – including myself, my loved one, and the recipient: those helped by CARE.

CARE is an organization on a mission to lift impoverished girls and women into places of strength and leadership while changing the world for the better. Each donation flourishes into something much larger than expected.

I knew that giving this kind of gift would make me feel good, but as I combed the pages I felt a huge wave of emotion come over me. My tumble down the CARE rabbit hole started because my kid was bored with his toys and needed a new one, and now I’m over here realizing that there are people who are in need of a month’s supply of food (which would only cost me $28). I have to admit that I felt a swell of guilt come across me as I felt silly for the things I complained about earlier.

From there I dug deeper and learned of the items that people yearned for in less fortunate areas of the world. I imagined how scared I would be without those prenatal visits when I was pregnant, not knowing if my baby would be born into a safe environment and have enough to eat. I felt so grateful and concerned all at the same time.

Price points for care pages range anywhere from $5.50 and up. You can purchase full items or break them into half or quarter donations to give where you feel it’s needed most. CARE also divides the donation offerings by profession, so that you can pair your recipients lifestyle with the gift, adding a personal touch to each donation. For example, the teacher in your life would love to know that her gift purchased a blackboard for a less fortunate classroom ($44, or $11-$22 for partial donations).

In addition to everyone’s gifts this year, we have made a family donation to several different causes on CARE that hit home.

Girls’ Leadership Training

Girls' Leadership Training

Women all over the world are working harder than ever to advance in leadership positions. This gift will help girls to become more assertive while using skills that can make a difference within their villages and beyond.

A Set of Library Books for a Refugee Camp

A Set of Library Books for a Refugee Camp

When children are shuffled into refugee camps during times of war, they are pulled away from their education. This set of library books will help continue studies at the camps for a seamless transition in their scholastic endeavors.

3 Packs of Drought Resistant Seeds

3 Packs of Drought Resistant Seeds

As the CARE website says, “A CARE Package of drought-resistant seeds is like making it rain for a poor family that depends on subsistence agriculture.” This truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

Infant Care Kit

Infant Care Kit

I mentioned this one earlier. When Fox was born I couldn’t wait to go home and show him his house, but when it was finally time to leave I cried out of fear. He’s my first and even though I had spoken to doctors, read all the books, and watched all the videos, seeing his tiny, helpless body suddenly scared me. What if I wasn’t capable? These infant care kits will help mothers to feel confident in their abilities while giving necessary items to their babies.

To pay it forward this holiday season and beyond, visit

Which #GiftsOfLastingChange will you be giving this year?


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  • Reply Candice December 6, 2015 at 5:59 pm

    Such a beautiful post… giving at Christmas time is especially important!! That’s so cute you gave Fox his first gift… its so hard when kids are young though… I find for their development you kinda have to keep giving them new toys and things so they can continue to learn… and also else they will drive you nuts ;o) I found at that age too I would rotate Mack’s toys and I’m pretty sure I was guilty of giving up a few Christmas gifts early too… xx
    Candice recently posted…Moist & Fudgy Gluten-Free Sweet Potato Chocolate BrowniesMy Profile

  • Reply shateroone November 19, 2023 at 5:43 am

    Wow, your post is truly inspiring!
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  • Reply Tom March 8, 2024 at 6:54 am

    It’s a good thing to share presents with your friends, from this act, happiness increases. As Tyler gives a present to Fox on Christmas day.

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