Before I became a magazine editor, writer, or blogger, I was a nanny for a beautiful family of five. Nannying was the best preparation for motherhood that I ever could have had. The youngest was just two months old when I came on board and for more than a year I watched her grow each weekday all the while taking notes for my future children.
Deciding I was ready for my own was a no-brainer. When I announced I was pregnant, people asked me if I was nervous or scared and I always answered with a hearty “absolutely not,” noting that I felt confident with my past experience. I knew which products to purchase, how to soothe, what to feed – I had all the answers, or so I thought. The only thing I forgot to take into consideration was just how different each baby can be.

Below are three examples of expectations I had from my experiences as a nanny, and the realizations I made after Fox arrived.
Expectation: A cuddly baby who loves to be coddled and held while sleeping.
Reality: While Fox loves quality time with us, I would characterize him as an independent baby who can enjoy time alone in his crib and often spends his days exploring without mama’s help. He sleeps best when he can wind himself down, and hasn’t fallen asleep in a carseat or being held in months.
Expectation: Getting the little guy to eat was going to be a tedious struggle.
Reality: While he is very small for his age, he eats like a monster. With few exceptions, he will take down any culinary creation that is provided for him. A fresh meal is always a go-to when he’s upset, and we are able to expand his palate without a fight.
Expectation: Every baby experiences diaper rash.
Reality: I have to admit, we caught a break on this one too. From birth, it seemed Fox had fairly sensitive skin, so we prepared ourselves for a constant war, specifically with diaper rash. I had experience with this battle while nannying and discovered that Desitin was the perfect tool for eliminating diaper rash immediately. Because Desitin can be used as a preventative measure for irritation, I am able to proudly share that Fox has been diaper rash-free since day one.
The most valuable lesson I came away with was understanding that babies are unique, more-so that I thought was possible. But there’s something to be said about finding a product that is able to work on multiple levels and in a variety of scenarios. Desitin is one of those products that has become a staple item in my diaper bag and changing table. Especially since I’ve been using it as a preventative measure, the peace of mind I have knowing that my little guy is comfortable through the day allows me to focus on what’s truly important.
Don’t forget to claim and redeem your Target Cartwheel coupon (25% off any Desitin product through Nov. 21!) or visit the website for more information about diaper rash or #Desitin. #ChangeForTheBetter!
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