Family Featured Travel

Hello Fall! A Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

September 23, 2016

Ever since Tyler and I met, I have been bragging about the cool Buffalo fall weather and the trips to pick out a bright orange pumpkin. I’ve tried in vain to thoroughly enjoy the patches out here in Southern California, but just like Jay Z said, “When you’re used to filet mignon, it’s kinda hard to go back to Hamburger Helper.” East Coasters now on the West Coast, amirite? 

Don’t get me wrong, I love nearly everything about living in Los Angeles, but when your birthday falls in September and you’re used to sweater weather ushering the holiday season (I start with my birthday then onto Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc.), the holidays never seem like they’re coming at the right time.

You can imagine my excitement when I realized we would be in Buffalo for the start of fall. We planned a trip with my mom to The Great Pumpkin Farm in my hometown, Clarence, NY. For whatever reason I had never been there before, but this place is A+ — I highly recommend if you’re in the Buffalo area. 

Fox just wanted to go down the slides, while the adults played skeeball and downed hot cider (even if the temps neared 90). The Great Pumpkin Farm The Great Pumpkin Farm The Great Pumpkin Farm The Great Pumpkin Farm The Great Pumpkin Farm The Great Pumpkin Farm The Great Pumpkin Farm The Great Pumpkin Farm The Great Pumpkin Farm The Great Pumpkin Farm The Great Pumpkin FarmFeb-Fox-SB-Signature

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