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Navigating an Escape Room from Home!

November 30, 2016

My husband likes to joke that puzzle games keep our marriage thriving and I have to agree! I play them often and always recruit my husband to help me along the way. They’re fun for the whole family and keep my mind sharp. 

The #1 item on my bucket list right now is to go to an escape room, but it’s not exactly something that’s easily accomplished with a toddler in tow. When I found out there’s an escape room in board game form I was totally sold and had to try it out!

Escape Room: The Game has four playable escape rooms — Prison Break, Nuclear Countdown, Virus, and Temple of the Aztec. Tyler and I took a sliver of nap time (1 hour) to give it a spin, starting with Prison Break! Without giving too much away, the story starts with us in prison for a crime we didn’t commit with the ability to escape to freedom should we solve clues left for us by the previous inmate. 

Escape Room The Game Escape Room The GameWe began by using the “Chrono Decoder” which starts a timer and plays a bit of background noise. There’s also an optional app to download in conjunction with the game that plays a bit of music/sound effects and let’s you take a photo to post if you complete the room. 

Open envelopes that give you clues to decipher and win. Prison Break offered us a cryptic crossword puzzle, a sudoku with a less than obvious error, and more.

Besides the cool background noise, the machine helps decode numbers and gives a beep to cue when hints should be opened to keep you on track. Even with the hints, the game was still challenging and kept us on our toes using logic and attention to detail to crack the codes.

Escape Room The Game Escape Room The Game Escape Room The GamePro tip: keep your cell phone handy for use of important tools like the flashlight and calculator!

Once you’ve figured out the answers, you’ll use keys to slide into the Chrono Decoder. If you got it right, you’ll be rewarded!

As the game went on it was so fun to see the very obvious differences in how Tyler and I work as a team. We both noticed very different clues and played off each other to solve everything until the end. We beat the room! I guess opposites do attract 😉

When it was time for Fox’s bedtime, we were already ready for round two!

If you’re interested in learning more about Escape Room: The Game, click here. It’s an amazing gift option for the holidays for the smarties on your list that like a good brainteaser.


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  • Reply five nights at freddy's May 3, 2024 at 4:25 am

    There are several well-known video games today, but you may be unfamiliar with this one. Spend some time with it to see how great it is!

  • Reply jonemartin June 24, 2024 at 8:08 am

    I am confused about why you were playing this game, you should give freedom and avoid playing games whose results are not good.

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