Featured Travel

Stonehenge! ‘Tis a Magic Place

June 10, 2016

If you’re wondering, I did just quote Spinal Tap. 

Stonehenge was one of my bucket list items, so I was happy to see it was close to one of our stops (Bath, England) on our trip. The rapeseed fields and sprawling green on the drive there were worth the trip alone.

We were able to fully explore Bath, head to Stonehenge, and back to Bath to stay the night at SACO Bath St. James’s Parade (another apartment-style hotel, similar to the one from my previous post on Edinburgh). I’ll be talking about those in a future post.

Entrance by ticket is timed. I suggest pre-booking online to ensure you’re not turned away, plus you will save £3.30 ordering ahead of time. Children under 5 are free.

*Pro tip for parents: they have special parking spots right up front for parents with kiddos. The entire facility is stroller friendly, and the walk to the actual stone structures is quite the hike so strollers are key.

Stonehenge - TheFebruaryFox.comThere’s a tram for guests to take (it’s quite a hike out to the actual site), but I highly suggest taking the walk. It was freezing, windy, and Fox was asleep in his stroller, but the walk was all part of it and I don’t think I would have enjoyed my time there nearly as much if I was bused over, dropped off for a picture, and then brought back. Walking through the fields made me feel like we were walking through time — it was truly magical. 

Stonehenge - TheFebruaryFox.comThe baby was asleep until about halfway through the trek when Tyler leaned over the front of the stroller and Fox yelled, “HI DA!” with a huge smile on his face. This was also an opportune time to let him stretch his legs, run around, and get out his sillies. There’s so much room on the property so you’re not in anyone’s way and there are no real hazards as opposed to city centers where Fox got easily frustrated not being allowed to walk around with traffic and milling people nearby.

Stonehenge - TheFebruaryFox.com Stonehenge - TheFebruaryFox.com Stonehenge - TheFebruaryFox.com Stonehenge - TheFebruaryFox.comWhoever designed the roped off area at Stonehenge is a genius. No matter where you’re viewing from, near or far, you’ll have a fantastic trajectory. And it’s exceptionally easy to snap photos of the structures without tourists sneaking into your photos! 

It’s also important to note that the Visitor’s Center has a beautifully put together exhibition (I especially enjoyed Standing in the Stones, which is a room equipt with 360 degrees of screens that show Stonehenge throughout time, including people who inhabited the area, winter and summer solstices, and how the environment changed). The cafe is large with many food options and the Neolithic houses are a must-see.

Stonehenge: ✓


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  • Reply Kasee Erickson June 10, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    Stonehenge is on our bucket-list, as well! Seeing all of your travels gives me so much wanderlust, and it looks like you all had a great time.

    P.S. I’m dying over Foxes sweater…. SO CUTE!

    • Reply Sarabeth McElhaney June 15, 2016 at 12:55 pm

      Thank you so much! It was one of my favorite stops on our trip. I enjoyed being able to visit at my own pace and enjoy the outdoors for awhile. So much of our travels to the UK took us to city centers or indoors!

  • Reply علاج اورام الكبد بالتردد الحرارى July 7, 2024 at 6:30 am

    Absolutely exquisite!

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