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Our Goal: Purchase a Home the Right Way

I’ve always rented my homes, which is not uncommon for southern California residents. With median home prices upwards of $550,000, it’s a significant investment, especially for my husband and I considering we are both self-employed. That’s not to say that I haven’t spent my…

February 13, 2017
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4 Free Apps to Download (Besides Pokémon Go)

I admit that I broke down and played Pokémon Go recently and I don’t regret it. It’s a fun game that gets people out of the house, although it’s hard here in the city walking around with a toddler. No one wants a mother walking…

July 23, 2016
Beauty Featured

Getting Ready for Date Night

Part of the logic behind making our move from suburban San Diego to the middle of Hollywood was to rejuvenate the fun side in both me and my husband. Fox has only been out of our sight for a combined total of maybe 24 hours…

July 21, 2016

Six Must-Have Apps

With a husband whose nickname is “Tynology” it’s no wonder that I’ve gotten pretty well-versed when it comes to apps. I keep both my phone and iPad Mini relatively clean, but there are certain apps I keep on my devices at all times whether…

August 25, 2015