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Family Featured Giveaways Parenting

Welcome to Toddlerhood (+ Giveaway!)

I’ve mentioned in a recent post that Fox hit his terrible twos a year early, but there’s one thing that’s stayed consistent: his big appetite for all kinds of food. I’m lucky that Fox isn’t picky now that he’s entered toddlerhood. He’s taken too…

June 13, 2016
Family Featured Parenting

Surviving Colic

“One day you’re going to look at him and think, ‘I really love him.'” These were the well-meaning words that Fox’s pediatrician spoke to me at his 1 month check-up. I was shocked, confused, a little miffed, but mostly sad. All I could do…

March 4, 2016
Family Parenting Video

My Formula for Happiness

As a first time mom I have loved following along with fellow bloggers as they hit major milestones with their children and share the dos and don’ts of parenting as told by their experiences. I’ve learned so many important tips that have helped to…

January 16, 2016