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Easy Ways to Refresh Your Living Room

We’ve all spent a lot of time in my living room over the past year and, if you’re anything like me, you’re starting to look at the spaces in your home feeling like it’s time to switch things up. I didn’t want to spend…

April 5, 2021
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Living Room Refresh Inspiration

Although my new living room is coming along quickly, I feel the urge to add a few new items into the mix to refresh and inspire me all over again. You don’t always have to swap out full pieces of furniture in order to…

February 3, 2021
DIY Uncategorized

DIY: Making Crayons

I’ve been taking some baby steps into being a little more crafty these days. I tend to get frustrated when things don’t work right for me the first time, and life with a 7-month-old doesn’t really allow for all the time that comes along…

September 5, 2015