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Travel Video

TBT: A Trip to Japan (with photos and video)

Happy Throwback Thursday! Before Fox was born, Tyler and I made it our mission to cast aside beach vacations and head straight for city centers. Japan was technically Tyler’s pick and while I was so very excited to go, I craved another European getaway…

August 27, 2015

Whitney Bond Rebranding Party

Over the last 4 years, has become known as the go-to food blog for traditional recipes with a twist. Recipes from the blog can be found all over the web on sites like Buzzfeed, POPSUGAR, TODAY Show, Yahoo! and Huffington Post. Fans of…

August 25, 2015

Six Must-Have Apps

With a husband whose nickname is “Tynology” it’s no wonder that I’ve gotten pretty well-versed when it comes to apps. I keep both my phone and iPad Mini relatively clean, but there are certain apps I keep on my devices at all times whether…

August 25, 2015

IKEA Swedish Crayfish Party

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a serious obsession with IKEA. Between the meatballs, endless rooms filled with inexpensive items that I do (and don’t) need, and the design inspiration that sparks from their neat little setups, I can’t imagine a better…

August 24, 2015

Coffee Table Envy and Books to Put on Top

I have a confession to make: I am grossly obsessed with coffee table books. Big ones, small ones, thin ones, thick ones… heck I don’t even care if it’s solely about 1991 Dodge Spirit carburetors. I love them all. When I still lived in…

August 5, 2015

Splurgeworthy: Mid-century Modern

You know how when you go on Pinterest you usually wind up repinning the same theme over and over? Fitness, food, travel, wedding decor, beauty tips, etc. Well my weakness is mid-century modern decor and furniture. I could salivate over that stuff all day…

July 21, 2015