Let me be up front about this post: there’s nothing extraordinary about it. You will not find magic, secret items to bring with you to the hospital when the day finally comes for you to give birth. The reason behind that? I don’t believe…
When we first planned out our move, we had decided to hire a moving company to bring everything we own, minus our two cats and a couple of suitcases, from California to New York with us so we could do the “ultimate family road…
I’m slowly but surely crossing off a few items on my summer bucket list. Tonight’s adventure? The Hollywood Bowl! I had marked “interested” in seeing Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on Facebook, and my sweet friend Suzie who runs the blog HappyMess…
There’s something magic about Lollapalooza: an incredible amount of bands under the same “roof,” delicious food options, and watching the sun set over the Chicago skyline while listening to music in the surrounding city lights. For years I received tickets for my birthday from my…