I was a guest at an adorable event yesterday that focused on brunch and crafting two of my absolute favorite things!
I was speaking with a few people there as I participated in the activities about how nice it is to shut your mind off, if even for a few moments, to recharge mentally and physically.
I’ve written about this topic in the past and how I decompressed with a baby in the house, but now that Fox is a toddler those activities are looking very different. Jigsaw puzzles are a thing of the past (I’ll never find the pieces once he gets ahold of them) and reading a book isn’t always in the cards. Bubble baths are also a thing of the past when you have a little guy jiggling the door handle.
Here are a few things I’ve found myself doing recently when I need a proper chill out session.
Painting + Crafting
Take advantage of the beautiful summertime weather and bring your creativity outside! Painting or knitting may be difficult indoors with a grabby toddler, but outside on the patio he has free reign to draw with chalk, run through the sprinkler, or chase butterflies (or as he likes to call them, “see-eyes”) while I get my craft on. I recently discovered the cutest adult paint-by-number sets that take 1/2 hour or so to complete but manage to take me away to another place.
Writing It Out
Blogging has helped alleviate my everyday stress immensely, even if I decide not to press “publish.” If you’re not into online journalling, grab a notebook and jot down some things that happened in your day that you’re grateful for or a few lines about something that’s bugging you. Another thing that eases my nerves? Making lists and crossing things off! Having a solid visual in front of me of things that need to occur and watching them get fulfilled throughout the day lights a fire underneath me and feels more rewarding at the completion of each day.
Clean House
Cleaning my house with a toddler didn’t always make me feel good. He’d walk behind me, undoing my work as I’d go along. The place would wind up messier than when I started. Parenting hack: “start” with your child’s bedroom/playroom/where you keep the toys. It distracts them enough to remember they have toys to play with, so you can clean the house in peace and then circle around to the playroom last. Having a clean house helps me breathe deep and there’s nothing more relaxing than looking around and being proud of your space.
Hot Cuppa Love
I make it a point to wake up a smidgen early in the morning in order to get a hot cup of coffee in to myself before the emails start pouring in and the world rises. I’m not the type that rolls out of bed and heads to the coffee shop, so I’ve had to discover new ways to get that coffee house feel from home. MAX Indulge by MAXWELL HOUSE is time and wallet-saving with indulgent flavors like Mocha + S’Mores and Mocha + Salted Caramel. It’s instant gratification in a cup, no messy machines to clean with a toddler at your ankles.
What ways do you like to kick back for a little me time? Let me know in the comments below!
One of the best ways to decompress with a toddler at home is to take some time for yourself. Whether it’s a few minutes in the morning for a cup of coffee, or an hour for a walk.
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