Featured Food

Candied Persimmons – Easy Holiday Dessert Option!

October 11, 2017

Let’s be honest:

I bought these persimmons because they look pretty.


I’m a sucker for their beautiful orange color and have tried a few eaten raw like an apple in the past and found that I didn’t have a real opinion on them.

Persimmons, to me, were pretty whatever.

You already know I’m obsessed with my local grocery delivery service, Milk & Eggs, so as I was perusing their new items I immediately honed in on the stunning pumpkin-colored flesh of persimmon fruit and put some in my cart.

Two days later, I was standing in my kitchen with a confused look on my face trying to decide how to make them. 

I wound up choosing several flavors that I thought would work well with the fruit and went to town.

Here’s the recipe, bearing in mind that a little extra or a little less of any of these ingredients won’t hurt, so I’ve given loose directions on ingredient amounts.

Candied Persimmons



  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Line oven-safe glass dish in foil and add 5 whole persimmons.
  3. Scoop out 2 small spoonfuls of vanilla bean ghee on each persimmon.
  4. Sprinkle with cinnamon.
  5. Drizzle with honey.
  6. Splash each fruit with vanilla extract.
  7. Sprinkle sugar over top, mostly covering top of each persimmon.
  8. Cover in foil and bake in oven for 45 minutes.
  9. Drizzle in yogurt.

These sweet little babies come out tasting like buttery, cinnamon sugar candy — a cross between apple pie and a sweet potato. 

I have a second round in my oven right now and it’s so easy to make that my husband put it together while I gave directions from the couch 😉

If you’re looking for something yummy to make for dessert that looks stunning on the plate (I mean really, I probably didn’t even have to cook these beauties), persimmons are your go-to.


P.S. If you’re in the Southern California region and want to try this out yourself, click here for 40% your first Milk & Eggs order.

You can find more great recipes and product reviews from my friends at the Village Bakery.

Sarabeth, The February Fox

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  • Reply Kevin Martin November 17, 2023 at 1:04 am

    Candied Persimmons are a delicious and easy holiday dessert option that everyone can enjoy. They are made by boiling dates in a sweet syrup until they become soft and caramelized.

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  • Reply Kathy Kay Birt December 9, 2024 at 11:13 pm

    why would you leave the leaves on it? Ruined the whole thing

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