I’m going through a breakup, but it’s not what you think.
I remember being curled up on the couch crying like my world was over when my high school boyfriend and I were on the outs. We dated freshman through senior year and I don’t think I knew who I even was without him until he graduated a year ahead of me and I came into my own.
Luckily, I haven’t experienced that heartbreaking sensation from a romantic relationship since.
That doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened elsewhere.
I take change pretty hard since routine is everything to me, but I’m decent at making it work unless, of course, I feel like I failed at something. This usually comes in the form of friendship splits or career changes.
The sweet team over at Knock Knock recently gifted me the Bounce Back Stack: A Deck of 30 Cards to Get You Back to Spectacular.
It couldn’t have come at a better time.
With cards like “Pet a Puppy” and “Sing It Out,” these cards seem to begin with a bit of a distraction and end with self-love and exploration. They’re basically a mental health bucket list in the form of handy flash cards!
My first card will be “Pickle It” and I’ll be sharing my recipe very soon!
Top: Zara // Pants and Shoes: Stitch Fix // Bag and Bracelets: ShangriLa Global
I’ve always subscribed to the idea that the best way to get over something is to get involved with something else, and this deck gives you plenty of healthy ideas to do just that.
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