Entertaining Family Featured Parenting Parties

Moana Movie Night + Montunui Sand Cups!

March 10, 2017

“You are the future of our people, Moana. And they are not out there. They are right here.”

We have watched Moana as a family no less than 30 times by now – it’s one of two movies that Fox cannot stop requesting!

I love that he’s such a big fan because it’s packed with inspiration and important lessons in leadership, treating our world with respect, and bravery. 

Our friends at Disney sent along the most incredible Moana movie night package for us to play with and we filled in the blanks with a couple yummy recipes to indulge in while we watched on the Disney Movies Anywhere app through our new Google Chromecast (right on our TV!).

First we brewed up some Coconut Cocoa.

Coconut Cocoa

13.5 ounces coconut milk
1.5 ounces dark chocolate, finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Heat coconut milk over medium heat until hot. 
  2. Stir in chocolate and vanilla extract. Enjoy!

While we watched the movie and snacked, we discussed traditions our families have kept over the years, such as Moana’s in the film. Tyler and I are so thrilled to be able to carry on deep rooted traditions as well as make new ones.

One of our current traditions lies within a recipe for sand cups! I learned how to make these in Life and Careers class in middle school (haha!) and brought a tray to Tyler and his bandmates when they were on tour in Canada. He’s been requesting them ever since, and now Fox does too!

Cocoa is obviously delicious, but the yummiest part of the night was definitely when we dug into these Moana’s Montunui Sand Cups!

Here’s how to make them:

Moana’s Montunui Sand Cups

2 package vanilla pudding mix
1 package Cool Whip
2 cups almond milk
Graham crackers, crushed
Swedish fish
Blue rock candy (I found mine pre-crushed in the baking aisle)


  1. Stir pudding mix, almond milk, and Cool Whip with a spoon until completely blended.
  2. Add layer of graham crackers to bottom of cup, then pudding mixture, topped with another layer of graham crackers. 
  3. Top with Swedish fish and rock candy.

What are some of your family traditions?

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  • Reply Shiri March 10, 2017 at 10:51 pm

    Those sand cups look and sound amazing! I need to try them! Looks like a fun toddler activity to make too!

  • Reply Peter June 25, 2024 at 12:41 am

    This is really intersting about Moana Movie Night with Montunui Sand Cups.I really want to go and enjoyed alot.

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