My family was a big fan of wallpaper when I was growing up. Each house we moved into usually meant hours of sanding, soaking, and peeling old paper that former owners had put up only to replace it with new. I often helped and…
Since downsizing from a home in the suburbs to a city-center apartment, we honestly don’t miss much. There is one thing though that our family often talks about that stings a bit: our beautiful backyard filled with flowers, plants, palm trees, and citrus fruits.…
Whenever I tell someone that I moved from a suburban 5-bedroom home to a 2-bedroom apartment in one of the busiest city centers in the country, their jaw usually take a minute or two to come off the floor. I agree, it’s a huge…
When I visited Europe on my last trip, I had an overwhelming amount of people comment on the beauty of Edinburgh. Most had visited at one point or another and told stories of their journeys in both the medieval World Heritage site of Old Town…