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california adventure

Family Featured Holidays Travel

Easter at Disneyland

I’ll let you in on a little secret: Disneyland is a ghost town on holidays.  Most crowd-predicting websites will tell you different, but each and every time my family has visited the park on a holiday it has been more comfortable to navigate than…

March 29, 2016
Family Marriage Parenting Travel

Disneyland Day 2

Day two at Disneyland was just as fun as the first. It’s so nice to stay overnight (even though we don’t really have to) and stroll across the street to hop on some rides. Fox didn’t sleep the entire night before so we were…

December 15, 2015

Birthday at Disneyland

Hello everyone! Sorry for my brief absence. I turned 28 on Monday and took a little time for me and my family. We headed a tiny bit up the coast and spent two days at Disneyland! If you’re ever worried that you won’t hear…

September 17, 2015