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Featured Style Travel

The Ultimate Iceland Packing List

Hello from Iceland! We made it here in one piece and so did our luggage. But I have to be frank with you, packing was not fun. I dare you to try walking into a Los Angeles mall in 100 degree heat and ask…

October 3, 2016
Featured Style Travel

My UK Packing List

In case you haven’t heard, we’re firming up the remainder of our plans to visit England, Scotland, and Wales next month. We are renting a car and driving around as a family, stopping at the most incredible sights along the way. Seriously, just wait…

March 10, 2016

It’s September!

Featured image via Lauren Conrad It’s finally September, my absolute favorite month! This time of year marks the start of fall, a long Labor Day weekend, my birthday mid-month, and a trip to Nashville at the end of the month. In true Sarabeth fashion,…

September 1, 2015