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Featured Travel

3 Places to Go with Kids in San Diego

Fun fact: the first independent blog I ever started was around the time I moved to San Diego in 2011. I was working like a maniac and not leaving much time to explore my beautiful city. Each month I would create a bucket list…

August 3, 2016
Family Featured Parenting

My Baby is ONE! + Fox’s Birth Story

My baby is one today. I’ll have you know that I wrote this post before the big day because I’m probably ugly crying in a corner somewhere that my boy is growing up so fast. Besides being unbelievably ill, my pregnancy was (luckily) uneventful. Fox…

February 7, 2016
Family Marriage Parenting

Halloween Wrap-up and Real Life Creeping In

Have you seen the article going around about the Insta-famous teen who is quitting social media? She cites inauthenticity as part of the reason why she’s opting out. Whether it’s a good thing or not, I live and breathe by my social networks and would…

November 3, 2015

Anniversary at the Safari Park (plus video!)

Yesterday Tyler and I took the day off and brought our guy to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. We’re pretty in love with this place! It was our first stop when Fox was finally old enough to leave the house and (in case…

October 29, 2015

Fox’s TMNT Halloween Costume

Recently I had the pleasure of viewing a few videos from my husband’s childhood. This was made extra fun by the fact that he had an extremely thick Texas accent until he was around 8 years old. My father-in-law had sat him down for…

October 4, 2015

Dream Decoding

Yesterday I left my purse on a train. I realized as I was walking through the doors of the transport but kept on going. And when I got to the stairs I panicked and realized it was gone forever. I only had one thing…

August 22, 2015