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Family Featured Parenting

The Trick to Curbing Colic

A few days ago I was flipping through my Facebook feed and saw a girl I went to high school with writing about her 3-month-old. She was concerned because he’s constantly inconsolable and she can’t figure out why. Every symptom she listed made it…

February 13, 2017
Featured Parenting

The Transition from Baby Food to Lil’ Bits

There’s one thing that my Fox has no trouble with: eating. From day one, he loved his bottles and even easily transitioned to stage 1 baby foods. On his first birthday, he had no desire for a bottle and weening was completely effortless. As…

September 14, 2016
Family Featured Parenting Travel

Travel with Baby: Tips and Tricks

The #1 question that I get from other parents hands down revolves around how to travel effortlessly with kids. The truth is, children are completely unpredictable (if you haven’t figured that out by now!). While there’s no foolproof way to keep kids happy during…

June 21, 2016
Family Featured Giveaways Parenting

Welcome to Toddlerhood (+ Giveaway!)

I’ve mentioned in a recent post that Fox hit his terrible twos a year early, but there’s one thing that’s stayed consistent: his big appetite for all kinds of food. I’m lucky that Fox isn’t picky now that he’s entered toddlerhood. He’s taken too…

June 13, 2016
Family Featured Parenting

Motherhood: It’s All Worth It

As mothers we often sacrifice large parts of ourselves to better our children – our sleep levels, clean home, free time, even (what seems like) sanity. With Fox at the 15 month mark I started to feel a little bit overwhelmed with his newfound…

May 5, 2016
Family Featured Parenting

Surviving Colic

“One day you’re going to look at him and think, ‘I really love him.'” These were the well-meaning words that Fox’s pediatrician spoke to me at his 1 month check-up. I was shocked, confused, a little miffed, but mostly sad. All I could do…

March 4, 2016
Family Parenting Video

My Formula for Happiness

As a first time mom I have loved following along with fellow bloggers as they hit major milestones with their children and share the dos and don’ts of parenting as told by their experiences. I’ve learned so many important tips that have helped to…

January 16, 2016