Hello from Iceland! We made it here in one piece and so did our luggage. But I have to be frank with you, packing was not fun. I dare you to try walking into a Los Angeles mall in 100 degree heat and ask…
Fox is generally a really good flyer, but it doesn’t come with ease. As parents, we know that traveling on the plane with an active toddler isn’t going to be a cakewalk, but we do have tricks to make it more comfortable for the…
Packing is an art, especially with kids in tow. My 1.5-year-old has been to 10 states and 5 countries over the course of his short time on this planet, and you can trust me when I say that I have made many mistakes packing along…
There’s something magic about Lollapalooza: an incredible amount of bands under the same “roof,” delicious food options, and watching the sun set over the Chicago skyline while listening to music in the surrounding city lights. For years I received tickets for my birthday from my…
Our family has spent countless hours in the car together traveling to locations both within the United States and internationally. Most people cringe when we tell them about the long drives we manage with a toddler, but it’s really all about how well we prepare…
The #1 question that I get from other parents hands down revolves around how to travel effortlessly with kids. The truth is, children are completely unpredictable (if you haven’t figured that out by now!). While there’s no foolproof way to keep kids happy during…