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The Day I Let eve Into My Bedroom (video)

November 16, 2015

I met eve on a Saturday. Her sunny disposition first drew me in. Her soft touch on my skin and how she knew just how to hug my body in the right places. After spending some time with eve, I knew I had to share her with my husband. The next morning we agreed that eve gave us the best night of our lives.

I know you’re probably wondering if I’ve went off the deep end at this point. Truth is, eve is not another woman – eve is a mattress – but it doesn’t make the rest of the aforementioned any less true.

My mattress background is not so impressive. My very first mattress stayed with me through college until I moved to California, at which point Tyler and I were gifted a hand-me-down of at least 12 years.

Looking back, the decision to not purchase a mattress years ago was asinine.

I had a lot of things working against me in my battle for sleep.

  1. Hungry baby
  2. Snoring husband (who wakes me up frequently)
  3. Serious hips that cause my spine to contort when laying on firm surfaces

The time that I find to sleep is so very precious, yet I was constantly waking up 5+ times a night for these reasons above.

So I decided it was time to bite the bullet and get a mattress.

Here’s the before.

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And then my delivery man showed up.

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It’s hard to believe this queen-sized mattress fits in a box that I managed to bring inside my house without help.

Then came the unboxing.

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eve mattresses were originally created in the UK, so you know the design will be impeccable. The details ranging from this beautiful complimentary poster print, card inserts, and the box itself were very impressive.

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And just like that eve took up residence in my bedroom.

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The time that I’ve had with eve has shown me how important it is to take care of myself. I guess I never thought that there would be a solution to my lack of sleep, but I’m truly grateful for learning about this wonderful product.

Although eve doesn’t make my baby sleep through the night (c’mon Fox!), it does solve my husband’s snoring along with my hip pain that I used to experience. The major difference is that I wake up feeling energized, which is something that has felt foreign to me for years.

And that’s what eve’s business model grew from – changing the way you wake up.

Fun fact: Fox crawled for the very first time when he was placed atop a bed. Now this mattress will be where Fox cuddles with me and Tyler to read a book, play peek-a-boo, and pet the cats. This mattress will be sure to hold many family memories. And he’s definitely loving it already!

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eve mattresses launched in the States this month. They offer a 100 day trial to ensure you’re happy with your purchase along with $100 off using code “RT100”.

As you may have noticed, the mattress arrives in a box – cutting out the wholesalers and middlemen allowing the product to be sold at a fraction of the price. And there’s no haggling through doorframes or upstairs. I actually pulled the box in from the front porch while I was holding Fox in one arm.

See the video of my eve mattress unboxing here:

For even more information on eve mattresses, visit their website and see how #EveryGreatDay starts the night before.


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  • Reply Kristin November 16, 2015 at 3:43 pm

    Oh. My. Word. I love everything about this. The play on the yellow with Fox’s shirt, the Malm platform bed, and oh my goodness the decor! Can I just have your house? Seriously everything I have seen is incredible!

  • Reply Janessa Pecoraino October 7, 2016 at 7:16 am

    Incredible! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It’s on a totally different subject but it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Superb choice of colors!

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  • Reply jess chetl May 30, 2024 at 4:29 am

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