Entertaining Featured Parenting Parties

Celebrating Mother’s Day 2019

May 12, 2019

Another Mother’s Day for the books, but my first as a mother of two!

I started out the holiday with a Muffins with Mom breakfast at Fox’s school.

I’m so grateful for the teachers and staff that so thoughtfully put this together for all the mamas. It was really fun to connect with Fox one-on-one over muffins, fruit, and juice. I got cards, a finger-painted magnet for the fridge, and a few colored pictures.

Does anyone else keep all of their child’s artwork? I keep meaning to photograph and turn into a book!

Even though we agreed not to exchange gifts for Mother’s/Father’s Day, Tyler drew me a picture of a building we visited together (you need to see the inside!) when I was touring him around Buffalo after our move last year.

I totally cried.

That Sunday, we all soaked up the love from family, ate well, and thoroughly enjoyed the day. Our brunch menu consisted of:

Happy Mother’s Day, mamas!

Sarabeth, The February Fox

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1 Comment

  • Reply jonemartin July 9, 2024 at 2:55 am

    Although every day is Mother’s Day, it is a specific day celebrated in the world and gives tribute to mothers. I also celebrate with my Mom and give gifts to her.

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