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Family Featured Marriage

Birthday Q&A with the Husband!

My husband Tyler is one of the most selfless, kind, and compassionate people I know. He’s a doting father to our son and my heart feels like it explodes just about every time I see them interact. Tyler has a birthday coming up in a…

December 5, 2016
Featured Travel

This is 29: Disneyland Celebrations

I’ve arrived! The last year of my twenties. We went to Disneyland yesterday (and renewed our passes for another year while Fox is still free!) to celebrate and eat all of the snacks. Although we go to Disneyland often, it’s most fun for me…

September 16, 2016
DIY Entertaining Featured Parenting Parties

Fox’s 1st Birthday Party

Fox turned one this past Sunday. Oddly enough, both Tyler and I noticed a major shift in Fox beginning right on his 1st birthday. He added the word “hi!” to his repertoire and adds a hearty wave along with it, his little voice shifted…

February 12, 2016

Birthday at Disneyland

Hello everyone! Sorry for my brief absence. I turned 28 on Monday and took a little time for me and my family. We headed a tiny bit up the coast and spent two days at Disneyland! If you’re ever worried that you won’t hear…

September 17, 2015

Birthday and Holiday Wish Lists Using Amazon

Every time my birthday used to roll around I could practically hear Tyler groan, “Ughhhh, what am I going to get her?” From my perspective I’m easy to shop for. I like pretty much anything: a homemade gift, thoughtful card, food, clothes, knick-knacks –…

August 26, 2015