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Being Prepared for Anything This Holiday Season

I know it’s human nature, but this is the time of year that I tend to evaluate my and my family’s loose ends. We’ve been flying light speed through this year, busier than ever without a chance for a full evaluation of our current…

December 21, 2017
Family Featured

Why Introverts Hate Buying Cars

Have I mentioned before that I’m an introvert? I certainly have, but I probably haven’t explained how much it affects my daily decisions and actions. From anxiety over casual lunches with friends to sweaty palms at the thought of bringing Fox literally anywhere indoors,…

August 12, 2017
Family Featured Parenting Travel

Travel with Baby: Tips and Tricks

The #1 question that I get from other parents hands down revolves around how to travel effortlessly with kids. The truth is, children are completely unpredictable (if you haven’t figured that out by now!). While there’s no foolproof way to keep kids happy during…

June 21, 2016

Gifts for the Hip Boy

Little boys these days aren’t into your typical pastimes. It takes more than grass stains and squirmy worms to impress this new generation of trendsetters. Take a break from TV time with these five adventurous and brain-stretching items. This is the Way to the…

July 8, 2015