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Family Featured Holidays Parenting

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, everyone!  Last year Tyler and I went all out. We hosted Easter brunch at our house, the kids did the egg hunt in our backyard (except Fox because he was itty bitty), and all three of us got a visit from the…

March 27, 2016
Family Featured Parenting

A New Major Milestone

Tyler and I joke with each other that every time we take Fox out of the house for several hours he reaches a new milestone when we come back home. New words, crawling, etc. – it always happens after we get him out of…

January 24, 2016

Pregnant at the Pumpkin Patch

Since it’s Thursday, I want to do a little throwback to last October. I was about five months pregnant and my bump came out of nowhere. We announced our baby’s name, had a beautiful shower thrown for us, and my parents came to town.…

October 1, 2015

Peter, Fox, and Oliver Poons

This is Peter. I picked him out from the SPCA nine years ago. He had a heart-shaped nose and crossed eyes, spending most of the visit chewing on his tongue. When I bent down to pet him, he threw up on my feet. It was…

September 22, 2015