Family Featured Parenting

A New Major Milestone

January 24, 2016

Tyler and I joke with each other that every time we take Fox out of the house for several hours he reaches a new milestone when we come back home. New words, crawling, etc. – it always happens after we get him out of the house. It’s like he gets inspired and blooms right before our eyes.

We had some errands to run yesterday – Ikea and Target – which aren’t even errands in my book. It’s more like going to Disneyland with a soy chai latte from Starbucks and some irresistible Swedish meatballs. Fox had a handful of meatballs (not his major milestone, although it could be since Ikea’s cafeteria is also a big deal to me) and then we were off to explore! He flirted his way through every aisle, flopped on the beds, and fought me tooth and nail to crawl on the floor in the children’s section. My parents got him the table and chairs and kitchen, so we picked those up and these amazing place mats that are the best finishing touch for his Super Bowl-themed birthday party. 

I can’t wait to share his party with you guys!

Afterwards we went to Target where I hit up the Dollar Spot, naturally, and found an amazing cake stand that I smashed in the driveway while unloading the car (!!!) and picked up a few necessities.

So fast forward a bit to right after we walked in the door. Fox stood up while holding onto a Rubbermaid container where I’m slowly but surely getting Christmas stuff put away, he sees a cat and takes off walking. His very first steps! He covered about 1/3rd of a really large room and I let out an involuntary scream that scared the hell out of Tyler. It was a noise that turned into hysterical crying for about 30 seconds and more emotion and strange noises came out of me than did in childbirth. Haha.

Anyhow, my baby is now walking little by little and I am grappling with all of these major changes and milestones with a hefty dose of building his new Ikea furniture today and a large mug of coffee.

What are you up to this beautiful Sunday?


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  • Reply Dominique January 25, 2016 at 10:36 am

    That’s so great! Congratulations to little Fox!! I love when they start walking, but then it’s like you never get a moment to rest because they are getting into everything. Haha! He is adorable mama, great job with him.
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  • Reply jonemartin April 24, 2024 at 3:22 am

    There we come to know about the milestone that makes memory forever. When kids start to try crawling, speaking, and or other activities that becomes a milestone that we can never forget.

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  • Reply Paul Knox July 23, 2024 at 5:33 am

    There, we learn about the milestone that will remain in our memories forever. When children begin to try crawling, speaking, and/or other activities, it becomes a milestone that we will never forget. doodle baseball

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