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Featured Holidays Home

Blue + Earth-Toned Fall Tablescape

I’m known to break out the fall decor as soon as September 1st rolls around. Sometimes earlier, but I don’t always admit to that! I’m not a fan of summer, so I count down the days until pumpkins and all things earth tone can…

September 8, 2019
Featured Travel

One Weekend in Monterey with Kids

This past weekend we drove 5 hours up the coast to Monterey for Mother’s Day weekend. We’re pretty lucky to have a child who oddly loves to take car rides, but we do keep a handful of healthy snacks in the car (fruit leather, berries,…

May 17, 2017
Featured Giveaways Parenting

Bad Mom’s Review + Digital Giveaway!

One of my biggest struggles as a parent has nothing to do with my child. It’s finding friends who are at the same place in life, going through the same types of experiences, and — most importantly — down to earth and honest about it. …

October 19, 2016
Featured Parenting Style

Freshly Picked Mr. + Mrs. Bones Release

Has anyone seen that glorious photo of Sigourney Weaver posing with a pumpkin floating around? That’s literally me waiting for fall to arrive (except I’m holding a pumpkin spice latte and knitting a chunky scarf simultaneously).  For reference: So now that we’ve cleared up…

August 29, 2016
Family Featured Parenting

The One Change I Made for Better Skin

I never used to put a great deal of weight into how products I used affected my body or health. That was until I had an eye-opening experience about six years back. As soon as I hit college my acne got out of control.…

August 10, 2016
Family Featured Giveaways Parenting

Welcome to Toddlerhood (+ Giveaway!)

I’ve mentioned in a recent post that Fox hit his terrible twos a year early, but there’s one thing that’s stayed consistent: his big appetite for all kinds of food. I’m lucky that Fox isn’t picky now that he’s entered toddlerhood. He’s taken too…

June 13, 2016
Featured Style

A-Line in the Sunshine + $25 Shabby Apple Giveaway

I’ve never really been a spring kinda girl, but for whatever reason I have been drooling over the pastel colors and fragrant flowers this season. Tyler brought me a bouquet of tulips and a latte home this morning, letting me know how beautiful outside that it was…

April 4, 2016

Everyday Hero + a NYC Trip to See Annie Leibovitz

If I could pick out just one thing that I wasn’t expecting to come with motherhood, it would be fear. I never realized how scary everything would become. From driving with the baby in the backseat to seeing news stories of children being hurt or…

March 30, 2016
Family Featured

Do Not Spoil What You Have…

Lots of deep thoughts and soul searching as of late around these parts. Trying to strip off the excess and head back towards simplicity is tougher than it seems. For now I’m focusing on one of my favorite quotes by Epicurus, “Do not spoil…

December 2, 2015