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Featured Food

Splendid Spoon: Meal Prep Made Easy

If I had to pinpoint one thing in my day that makes a schedule tricky to come by, it would be virtual school. The timing can be somewhat unpredictable and with random nap times and Zoom calls thrown into the mix, it’s not always…

March 7, 2021
Featured Food Parenting

Setting Healthy Postpartum Goals

I’ve given myself a lot of grace this pregnancy including naps on-demand, not picking up the house when my body just didn’t want to seem to let me, and eating whatever I want (so long as it was baby-safe). I figured that my body…

January 24, 2019
Featured Food Health

Healthy Yogurt Ring Pops

When you think of things that remind you of summer, I bet popsicles are somewhere in the mix. We’ve been dealing with a popsicle crisis in this house — Fox eats one and immediately wants another. If it’s not in his hands, he’s devastated.…

August 3, 2018
Featured Food Parenting

Our Favorite On-The-Go Fresh Snack (with Recipe)

There’s an ongoing joke between me and my husband regarding my favorite food and cravings. Whenever someone asks him what my favorite type of food is, his reply is always “fresh.” This stems from my go-to response of “something fresh” whenever I’m asked what…

August 2, 2018