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Featured Travel

Iceland Travel Series: Gullfoss Waterfall

Whenever we travel to a new country, there’s always a focal point attraction type that you seem to be able to drown in as your trip progresses. For example, in Ireland there are castles, in Japan you’ll see plenty of shrines and temples —…

November 4, 2016
Featured Travel

Hiking to Iceland’s DC-3 Plane Wreck with Baby

In the middle of the Sólheimasandur black sand beach in Southern Iceland lies a crashed United States Navy Douglas Super DC-3 airplane that crashed in the 1970s. No one was hurt and the fuselage was left on the beach where it still remains. It’s safe to…

November 2, 2016
Featured Travel

Good Things Come to Those Who Book Flights

One of my most prized possessions is my passport. It’s proof positive that I’ve gone some pretty incredible places in my short lifetime, that little book that reminds me how small I am in such a vast world. I’ve just returned from Iceland last…

October 8, 2016
Featured Travel

Iceland Playlist

Whenever I travel, I make a playlist to help me set the mood. I usually start with a “chill out” plane playlist because (although I travel all the time, I have a severe fear of flying) and then create a compilation of songs that…

October 6, 2016
Featured Style Travel

The Ultimate Iceland Packing List

Hello from Iceland! We made it here in one piece and so did our luggage. But I have to be frank with you, packing was not fun. I dare you to try walking into a Los Angeles mall in 100 degree heat and ask…

October 3, 2016