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product review


Citrus Lane August 2015 Review

Citrus Lane always has a way of understanding my child that I just can’t predict. Flipping through photos of Fox from day one, you’ll see periods where he’s become obsessed with certain items, and for some reason 90% of them are from his little…

August 23, 2015

10 Easy Stress Busters for a Happy Home

Life with a baby and a career has been a huge adjustment. Before Fox I lived a fast-paced lifestyle as the editor of not one but fourteen magazines. This in-office job kept me on my toes while under the constant deadlines of seven magazines…

August 18, 2015

It’s National Lipstick Day!

I can hardly keep track of all of the amazing days that have went by recently – mostly involving sweets – but this one may be my favorite yet! National Lipstick Day is here and I am taking the opportunity to share my favorite…

July 29, 2015

Shuffling Off to Buffalo

Even though I don’t currently live in Buffalo, it will always be home to me. I hadn’t been back in almost five years and I was thrilled to find out that one of my friend’s had planned her 4th of July wedding in the…

July 14, 2015