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Entertaining Featured Food Parties

MVP-Status Football Party Menu

Almost three years ago, I was planning Fox’s 1st birthday party. I chose camping as the theme and promptly purchased all the party supplies and a woodland-themed high chair banner emblazoned with “1” on the middle flag — the excitement was mounting! A few…

January 8, 2018

Apple and Pear Picking in Julian

Happy belated Labor Day! This weekend was filled with the best kind of things. We caught up with friends at brunch at Mama Kat’s, did a bunch of baking and cooking, went to Fox’s favorite – Trader Joe’s, met up in Old Town with…

September 9, 2015

Whitney Bond Rebranding Party

Over the last 4 years, has become known as the go-to food blog for traditional recipes with a twist. Recipes from the blog can be found all over the web on sites like Buzzfeed, POPSUGAR, TODAY Show, Yahoo! and Huffington Post. Fans of…

August 25, 2015

End of Summer Citrus Picking and Recipes

I’ve never been a beach kind of girl, but the two things that I really took to when moving to California were the mountains and the vegetation. When we found our home I was beyond excited to find out that we have citrus trees…

August 14, 2015

Gifts for the Green Thumb

From greenhouses to gardens, we all know someone who has that special touch when it comes to turning seeds into sprouts. These outside-the-box gifts will help to inspire your favorite green thumb.   Forest Critter Garden Pot $18/each | Sarah Burwash | Purchase at…

July 13, 2015