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Stocking Up! Fall-Inspired Haul

If you haven’t guessed it already, I *love* fall. I was born in September and some days it seems like apple cider runs through my veins. Living in California has major perks, but every year that rolled around when I first moved to town…

October 9, 2017
Family Parenting

Breaking Free from Cabin Fever

It’s been raining like crazy here in California (I’m talking flash flooding and tornado warning status) so we’ve been cooped up in the house with cabin fever. I’m a total homebody so I ate it right up, but by the end of the week…

January 9, 2016

Favorite Fall Pieces

We’re gearing up for the cooler seasons over here at the McElhaney household these days. I’m brainstorming what I’m going to do for my September birthday, what Fox is going to be for his very first Halloween, and – this is embarrassing – I…

August 16, 2015