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Welcome to Anfield

May 18, 2016

Today I walked into the living room to see Tyler and Fox watching a soccer (football) match on television and immediate recognized the red jerseys, remembering that Liverpool FC was playing in the Europa League Final today. While the boys went down to Sevilla, it brought me back to one of my favorite days of our recent trip to Great Britain.

We arrived in Liverpool early in the evening, which meant we were able to grab some takeaway fish & chips before settling into the hotel after a long drive from Stirling, Scotland. The city was eerily quiet, except for every pub packed with fans and blasting the announcers of the Liverpool FC v Everton match that was taking place at that time nearby at Anfield.

Seeing that energy helped prep us for the next day, which included a full tour of the stadium and pitch. While literally everything went over my head (and most likely went over Tyler’s as well), it was such a unique experience to see this historic sports landmark, especially seeing the stadium full on the television just the night before.

We were told about the history of the stadium, the background of the naming of each of the four grandstands, and heard plenty of jokes about rival clubs that we laughed along with. The tour was fast-paced and stretched from the top of the stands for gorgeous panoramic views all the way down to the field. Tyler even took home some fresh-cut Anfield grass.

At the end of the tour we browsed through the Liverpool FC Story, an interactive museum that helped demonstrate the significance of the club and what it means to Liverpool residents and fans around the world. All 120 years of the club and its fans’ history are documented, and we were able to see the club’s 5 European trophies on display right in front of us. Before the exit, a haunting rendition of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” sung by thousands of fans plays on repeat, a tradition that takes place before the start of every home game.

Even though we had a tight schedule, we couldn’t leave without a stop for lunch at the Boot Room Cafe, a large restaurant with televisions in every booth, and even FIFA video games set up nearby.

Fox was lucky enough to get a home jersey and Tyler picked up a Liverpool FC half scarf. I think it’s fair to say that we are all fans now.

Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.comAnfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.com Anfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.comAnfield, Liverpool - TheFebruaryFox.comHuge shoutout to Liverpool FC and Visit Liverpool for hosting me and my family during our stay – a million thank you’s!


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  • Reply STEFANO MANCUSO December 25, 2019 at 1:38 pm

    Merry Christmas Marybeth, to you, to your husband and you baby, i wrote you this Christmas evening, because i went to Liverpool in 2008, and i had same experience of you: i started by my house with the photocopies of the cover of “Revolver” and “Rubber soul” on the glasses of my car, and i came back with too much love for Liverpool FC, the city and its people. In these last years i stopped to support my italian club (Liverpool was my second), and now i am supporter of the reds. Same experience of you, and at present, i don’t what It happen to me in that days, but i am happy to be red. It’s a style of Life, it’s a club of the people. Merry Christmas and Happy new year.

  • Reply علاج اورام الكبد بالتردد الحرارى July 11, 2024 at 7:51 am

    أسعار الأشعة التداخلية في مصر

    علاج دوالي الساقين يتضمن مجموعة من الخيارات التي تهدف إلى تخفيف الأعراض، تحسين المظهر، ومنع تطور الحالة. تبدأ العلاجات عادةً بأساليب غير جراحية مثل ارتداء الجوارب الضاغطة التي تساعد على تحسين تدفق الدم وتقليل التورم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يُنصح المرضى بتغيير نمط الحياة من خلال ممارسة التمارين الرياضية بانتظام، الحفاظ على وزن صحي، وتجنب الوقوف أو الجلوس لفترات طويلة.

  • Reply Cozmo January 23, 2025 at 5:38 am

    Мен ойын уақытымды дұрыс жоспарлау арқылы күн тәртібімді сақтауға тырысамын. Көбірек білу үшін, мен ойын уақытын шектеп, тек кешкі уақытта немесе демалыс күндері ойнауға шешім қабылдадым. Бұл әдіс ойынға деген тәуелділікті азайтуға көмектеседі. Сонымен қатар, өзіңіздің шектеулеріңізді белгілеу маңызды. Сіз өзіңіздің уақытыңызды басқару үшін қандай әдістерді қолданып көрдіңіз?

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