Featured Travel

Seeking Summertime at Anaheim GardenWalk

June 30, 2017

This post is sponsored by Perrier® Sparkling Natural Mineral Water but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

I had an exciting opportunity in Orange County this week and I brought the family with me so we could do a doubleheader at Disneyland! It may be our very last Disney trip until the fall, so we knew we had to make it a good one. 

Once we got to the hotel and parked, we walked through Anaheim GardenWalk where they have the most vibrant murals lining the walls. We had never been to this part of town yet, so we knew we had to check them out! The colors screamed summertime and it really got me excited for the season. 

Adding to the summertime theme, I brought along watermelon Perrier for refreshment! Perrier introduced the watermelon flavor this year alongside strawberry (I can’t wait to get my hands on that one) and it is seriously tasty. I’m usually a pink grapefruit kind of gal, but watermelon is now my reigning champ!

Perrier is known as the number one sparkling natural mineral water, first bottled in the South of France in 1863. It’s my favorite way to get a few bubbles in my system without ruining my health habits — they’re sugar-free and calorie-free! 

I found out that for over a century this fun brand has collaborated with major artists like Andy Warhol, Bernard Villemot, and Salvador Dali, so it felt fitting to take a sip while taking in the art. 

Check out the Perrier Flavors page to see their latest artist partnership, featuring AKACORLEONE (Pedro Campiche), who whipped up an art installation inspired by Perrier. You have to see it — it’s very impressive!

Check out this little video we took at GardenWalk:


What’s your favorite Perrier flavor?

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  • Reply drift boss October 18, 2023 at 10:39 pm

    WOW, you look AMAZING! Wow. Happy you had some time to treat yourself and spend time with your husband 😉

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  • Reply Jone Martin April 9, 2024 at 5:59 am

    Perrier is one of the favorite drinks among youngsters. They like to drink at gatherings, colleges, and universities and carry it on trips.

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  • Reply سعر تكييف كاريير July 10, 2024 at 2:17 am

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    تكييف كاريير 3 حصان

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