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Featured Holidays Home

Blue + Earth-Toned Fall Tablescape

I’m known to break out the fall decor as soon as September 1st rolls around. Sometimes earlier, but I don’t always admit to that! I’m not a fan of summer, so I count down the days until pumpkins and all things earth tone can…

September 8, 2019
Family Featured Food Holidays

Top 5 Fall Family Essentials

All summer long it seemed like our family was spread out throughout the house avoiding touching anyone or anything — this may sound personal, but I swear it was just because of the lack of air conditioner! Now that the temperatures are significantly dropping…

October 3, 2018
Featured Food Marriage

Braided Leaf Apple Pie

I joked on Instagram recently that I was going to go into pie making business to justify my excessive trips to the apple orchards this fall. Well, I made my first pie of the season and, needless to say, I’m lucky that one measly…

September 19, 2018
Buffalo Featured Home

Apple Picking at Becker Farms

I had a long 8 years without fall in California. We tried to go apple picking there twice and it was hilariously bad — think dust devils and wearing flannel out of sheer disregard of the 100 degree weather. This year, we’re going all…

September 10, 2018
Entertaining Featured Holidays Style

Stocking Up! Fall-Inspired Haul

If you haven’t guessed it already, I *love* fall. I was born in September and some days it seems like apple cider runs through my veins. Living in California has major perks, but every year that rolled around when I first moved to town…

October 9, 2017
Family Featured Travel

Hello Fall! A Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Ever since Tyler and I met, I have been bragging about the cool Buffalo fall weather and the trips to pick out a bright orange pumpkin. I’ve tried in vain to thoroughly enjoy the patches out here in Southern California, but just like Jay…

September 23, 2016
Featured Parenting Style

Freshly Picked Mr. + Mrs. Bones Release

Has anyone seen that glorious photo of Sigourney Weaver posing with a pumpkin floating around? That’s literally me waiting for fall to arrive (except I’m holding a pumpkin spice latte and knitting a chunky scarf simultaneously).  For reference: So now that we’ve cleared up…

August 29, 2016
Family Featured Parenting Style

Toddler Packing Staples

Packing is an art, especially with kids in tow.  My 1.5-year-old has been to 10 states and 5 countries over the course of his short time on this planet, and you can trust me when I say that I have made many mistakes packing along…

August 15, 2016

Mid-October Photo Roundup

October has felt like a wedding day. You plan all year-round for it to arrive and then it whirls by before your eyes. I’m in disbelief it’s already the 19th. I have yet to make it to the pumpkin patch! I’ve been spending my…

October 19, 2015

Pregnant at the Pumpkin Patch

Since it’s Thursday, I want to do a little throwback to last October. I was about five months pregnant and my bump came out of nowhere. We announced our baby’s name, had a beautiful shower thrown for us, and my parents came to town.…

October 1, 2015

It’s September!

Featured image via Lauren Conrad It’s finally September, my absolute favorite month! This time of year marks the start of fall, a long Labor Day weekend, my birthday mid-month, and a trip to Nashville at the end of the month. In true Sarabeth fashion,…

September 1, 2015

Favorite Fall Pieces

We’re gearing up for the cooler seasons over here at the McElhaney household these days. I’m brainstorming what I’m going to do for my September birthday, what Fox is going to be for his very first Halloween, and – this is embarrassing – I…

August 16, 2015