Let me be up front about this post: there’s nothing extraordinary about it. You will not find magic, secret items to bring with you to the hospital when the day finally comes for you to give birth. The reason behind that? I don’t believe…
If your holiday season was anything like mine, it was pretty wild. We had out of town guests, hosted Christmas Eve dinner, and battled the crazy Buffalo snow while celebrating our butts off! Holiday parties and downtime from school means that we fell into…
This post is sponsored by Sam’s Club but all thoughts and opinions are my own. I guess it’s about time that we talk about pregnancy #2, yeah? Let’s do it! I took a lot longer (two times as long as my first baby) to…
Thank you Maxi-Cosi for sponsoring this post. Keep your little adventurers comfy, safe & stylish with the Maxi-Cosi Magellan 5-in-1 car seat! Without any exaggeration, my husband and I get at least two comments a week from strangers telling us to sign Fox up…
I guess it’s finally time to let everyone in on the big secret: baby boy no. 2 is en route! After Fox was born, our plans for a second child vanished. I made it clear to anyone who asked that it was not in…
Although my “baby” has been in school for awhile now, he officially started his very first day of Pre-K this past Tuesday. It feels like he’s grown so much this week alone, reciting full songs and books from memory, doing math (what?!), and explaining…
There’s an ongoing joke between me and my husband regarding my favorite food and cravings. Whenever someone asks him what my favorite type of food is, his reply is always “fresh.” This stems from my go-to response of “something fresh” whenever I’m asked what…
Fox turned 3 in February and up until today, I had not done a major toy purge. Call me sentimental, but everything he’s touched is hard to let go of. In our old house, his playroom was constantly used, but here he has a…
As much as we try to eat dinner together, we’re not always on the same schedule. When Fox comes home from school he’s usually ready to eat immediately, but Tyler and I tend to eat lunch late throughout the workday and don’t always have…
DockATot was nice enough to send Fox his very own Grand to give a whirl and when I posted a sneak peek to social media, I was overwhelmed with messages and comments about how much readers already love this brand. I can honestly say…
Within a few hours of my son’s birth, he earned the nickname “Goo.” His little circular turned up nose, scrunched eyes, and wrinkly forehead made him a dead-ringer for Mr. Magoo, shorten that to Goo and you’ve got a lifelong nickname. I may refer…
I don’t know about you, but I love all the crazy little holidays floating around these days. It’s fun to have an excuse to celebrate just about anything! Today is #NationalPizzaPartyDay and, even though we’re keeping it small, we’re still in full party mode.…
It’s technically Teacher Appreciation Day today, but I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s actually Teacher Appreciation WEEK too! Teachers spend so much time with our kids — we owe them a great deal of thanks. One major one for us? Although…
Seen Enough Tobacco — Sharing a Personal Tidbit and Talking About the Future
Today I’m sharing a little known fact about me. One that I’m not proud of. When I was in college I worked promotions for a major tobacco company, handing out free cans of dip at summer concerts and fairs. I traveled all over Western…
It may have snowed last week here in Buffalo, but these days it’s nice and warm outside. We’re experiencing the kind of weather where you only really need a coat to shield you from the April showers. Most people might disagree with me, but…