Since the very first time we put Fox in the bathtub, he screamed at the top of his lungs the second water touched his face and hair. I could tell that he was genuinely terrified of water. Fox is fearless in every sense of…
Thank you Maxi-Cosi for sponsoring this post. Keep your little adventurers comfy, safe & stylish with the Maxi-Cosi Magellan 5-in-1 car seat! Without any exaggeration, my husband and I get at least two comments a week from strangers telling us to sign Fox up…
Fox turned 3 in February and up until today, I had not done a major toy purge. Call me sentimental, but everything he’s touched is hard to let go of. In our old house, his playroom was constantly used, but here he has a…
As much as we try to eat dinner together, we’re not always on the same schedule. When Fox comes home from school he’s usually ready to eat immediately, but Tyler and I tend to eat lunch late throughout the workday and don’t always have…
Within a few hours of my son’s birth, he earned the nickname “Goo.” His little circular turned up nose, scrunched eyes, and wrinkly forehead made him a dead-ringer for Mr. Magoo, shorten that to Goo and you’ve got a lifelong nickname. I may refer…
It may have snowed last week here in Buffalo, but these days it’s nice and warm outside. We’re experiencing the kind of weather where you only really need a coat to shield you from the April showers. Most people might disagree with me, but…
When we first planned out our move, we had decided to hire a moving company to bring everything we own, minus our two cats and a couple of suitcases, from California to New York with us so we could do the “ultimate family road…
While I admit that I’m a bit of a helicopter mom trying to take steps back and let my independent boy be himself, there’s one thing I’m 100% on board with: Encouraging him to make a big ol’ mess. My husband is a major…
I was a guest at an adorable event yesterday that focused on brunch and crafting two of my absolute favorite things! I was speaking with a few people there as I participated in the activities about how nice it is to shut your mind…
I’m going to make a pretty big admission right off the bat here because I believe in transparency. This spring marked the first time I ever left the house alone with Fox. I used to hide from the fact that I was too overwhelmed…
Admitting the realities of your parenting system is always a gamble — it seems like everyone has an opinion on what’s firmly right and wrong, even if it’s subjective. Here’s a peek into three of the areas that we give Fox leeway in our…
Whenever we travel to a new country, there’s always a focal point attraction type that you seem to be able to drown in as your trip progresses. For example, in Ireland there are castles, in Japan you’ll see plenty of shrines and temples —…
In the middle of the Sólheimasandur black sand beach in Southern Iceland lies a crashed United States Navy Douglas Super DC-3 airplane that crashed in the 1970s. No one was hurt and the fuselage was left on the beach where it still remains. It’s safe to…
We celebrated Fox’s second Halloween with an Ace Ventura costume and you could totally tell he knew he was cute. This was his first year trick-or-treating and he did so well! He’s finally getting the hang of holding hands without trying to pull away…
We’ve been exploring Los Angeles every chance we get and with family in town we’ve discovered so many new places! We recently took Fox over to the LA Zoo to check out the Halloween decorations and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to put…