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Featured Food Parenting

Quick + Kid-Friendly Lent Dinner with Conagra

Do you observe Lent? With Lent underway early this year, I’ve been looking for quick and easy meatless solutions to feed my kids each Friday. Making meals for a two and six-year-old isn’t always for the faint of heart, but I’ve managed to discover…

March 16, 2021
Featured Food

How to Give Back While You Shop This Holiday Season

We’ve all probably been asked whether or not we prefer to give or receive, but someone recently asked me a similar question that gave me pause. Do you think it’s more important to exchange gifts or donate the money to those in need? At…

November 22, 2019
Family Featured Food Holidays

Top 5 Fall Family Essentials

All summer long it seemed like our family was spread out throughout the house avoiding touching anyone or anything — this may sound personal, but I swear it was just because of the lack of air conditioner! Now that the temperatures are significantly dropping…

October 3, 2018
Featured Food Health

Healthy Yogurt Ring Pops

When you think of things that remind you of summer, I bet popsicles are somewhere in the mix. We’ve been dealing with a popsicle crisis in this house — Fox eats one and immediately wants another. If it’s not in his hands, he’s devastated.…

August 3, 2018
Entertaining Featured Holidays Style

Stocking Up! Fall-Inspired Haul

If you haven’t guessed it already, I *love* fall. I was born in September and some days it seems like apple cider runs through my veins. Living in California has major perks, but every year that rolled around when I first moved to town…

October 9, 2017
Featured Home

Top 5 Movies to Get You in the Summer Spirit

It has been fiery H-O-T in Los Angeles and my family has been ducking out of the heat as much as possible. Spending lots of time indoors means a bit of extra TV time where I can get into summer in the chilly A/C!…

June 27, 2016