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Featured Food

Baked Watermelon Radish Chips

Something that has helped me tremendously throughout my weight loss journey is remembering that snacking is GOOD! I know that when I wait too long between meals or don’t eat enough to feel full that it sets me up on a collision course for…

July 29, 2017
Featured Travel

3 Places to Go with Kids in San Diego

Fun fact: the first independent blog I ever started was around the time I moved to San Diego in 2011. I was working like a maniac and not leaving much time to explore my beautiful city. Each month I would create a bucket list…

August 3, 2016
Family Featured Holidays Travel

Easter at Disneyland

I’ll let you in on a little secret: Disneyland is a ghost town on holidays.  Most crowd-predicting websites will tell you different, but each and every time my family has visited the park on a holiday it has been more comfortable to navigate than…

March 29, 2016
Family Featured Holidays Parenting

Thanksgiving Roundup

The long weekend is wrapping up in my house with a busy Sunday, but I want to drop a quick note before it ends. We did Thanksgiving a bit different this year since we stayed in by ourselves as a trio. I cooked my…

November 29, 2015
DIY Entertaining Featured Food Holidays Parties

Cherish the Present

Something funny happens when you get older. People tend to move away, get married and have children – everything changes. So when the holidays roll around it’s always interesting to see how deep-seated traditions stir into new ones. I’ve mentioned in past posts that…

November 25, 2015

Grilled BBQ Chicken Pizza

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LegendaryTailgate #CollectiveBias Yesterday my hometown team donned all red for Thursday Night Football and I was ready for a homestyle tailgate. It’s been getting cooler here in San…

November 12, 2015

Fall of Troy at the Rawhide Ranch

Yesterday I went to my first ever Friday wedding. Tyler’s bandmate Jarred married our beautiful friend Emily at Rawhide Ranch in Bonsall, which I’m completely obsessed with! Her maiden name is Troy, so the hashtag featuring Fall of Troy was a perfect fit! The…

November 7, 2015
Family Marriage Parenting

Halloween Wrap-up and Real Life Creeping In

Have you seen the article going around about the Insta-famous teen who is quitting social media? She cites inauthenticity as part of the reason why she’s opting out. Whether it’s a good thing or not, I live and breathe by my social networks and would…

November 3, 2015

Anniversary at the Safari Park (plus video!)

Yesterday Tyler and I took the day off and brought our guy to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. We’re pretty in love with this place! It was our first stop when Fox was finally old enough to leave the house and (in case…

October 29, 2015

The Story of How We Met

Today marks three years married to my husband, Tyler. For those of you who may not know, I want to share the story of how we met. It’s always incredible to look back on the intricacies of how we began (and continued to go…

October 27, 2015
Family Marriage Parenting

Appreciating the Little Things

Today Fox gave me a big hug. He crawled to me, climbed onto my lap, pulled himself up to my level and wrapped his little arms around my neck. His cheek pressed against mine and after a long pause he straightened up with his…

October 22, 2015

Fox’s TMNT Halloween Costume

Recently I had the pleasure of viewing a few videos from my husband’s childhood. This was made extra fun by the fact that he had an extremely thick Texas accent until he was around 8 years old. My father-in-law had sat him down for…

October 4, 2015

Birthday at Disneyland

Hello everyone! Sorry for my brief absence. I turned 28 on Monday and took a little time for me and my family. We headed a tiny bit up the coast and spent two days at Disneyland! If you’re ever worried that you won’t hear…

September 17, 2015